
July 29, 2012

Weekend Recap {Link Up!}

Tennessee Honey

I've decided to make my Weekend Recaps into a linky because I want to stalk other bloggers see how other people spend those cherished days of Friday, Saturday, & Sunday!

All you have to do is...

*Link up your blog post of what happened on your weekend*
*Follow Tennessee Honey on GFC & Twitter*
*Put the Weekend Recap button in your post or on your blog somewhere, pretty please!*

If this goes well, I might consider doing co-hosts! So get the word out fellow bloggers! :)


Friday was a pretty normal day for the kids and I. Playing, cleaning, and just hanging out. It wasn't as humid outside so we decided to blow some bubbles!
 Dobby likes to photobomb.

The look K is giving Dobby says it all...
But you can't help but love him!!

 Hubbs and I had a date night!! Yayy!

I wore these shoes:
Mostly because I was too lazy to re-paint my toenails they are adorbs.

We ate Chinese and ya'll.....Doug. Tried. Sushi. I had to get proof...

 At least he didn't spit it out...haha!

Although we were with friends...I don't recall any "luck" that night... :(
Then we went to see one of THE best movies I have seen in a looooong time: The Dark Knight Rises. If you haven't seen it yet, it is AMAZING. Go see it. NOW!!

Church. Lunch. Then swimming with family and friends. But I didn't take any pictures..
*bad Lauren!*

I did manage to snap some cray pics though...of course:)

My usual hair...

So, how was your weekend? I want to know! :)


Unknown said...

DOUG TRIED SUSHIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren Loeffel said...

Dude. I was like, WHAT?! Is this real life?! haha!

Carole said...

Fun blog. I found you through Crazy Mama's fun blog hop. I linked in a fun bumper sticker. Have a super week.

henning love said...

ooh dobby always wanting to be the center of attention, at least that is how one of my dogs is. your kids are super cute

LaurenLo{me}LoloLC said...

love your usual hair...that's mine too!!! Here from the Blog Hop


ms.composure said...

those pictures are just SO SO SO cute!!!
thanks for sharing them!

I know i LOVED playing with bubbles when i was a kid. i just hated when i would spill the bubble water all over myself because i was clumsy...LoL

Brooke Arellano said...

Hi! Stopping by from the GFC blog hop and am now your newest follower:) Hope you can come check out Crazy Mama Drama !

The Pink Growl said...

The babies are so cute!!! And that little pup oh my I love it! boy or girl? Everybody keeps talking about Dark Knight, I must see it!

Rachel @ lala Lists said...

Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you next week!

Wonderful Wednesday Co-Host

Caitlin said...

Precious pics!


Unknown said...

I love this idea! I look forward to linking up next week (already added the button to my sidebar!)